Police Ready to Control PT TMS Equipment

Manado—A number of related parties held a meeting to discuss PT TMS heavy equipment at KM Porodisa KM Porodisa which was canceled from being transported from Mobongo Amurang Ferry Port, South Minahasa Regency (Minsel), to Pananaru Tamako Ferry Port, Sangihe Regency.

The meeting was held at the Orchid Room of Luwansa Hotel Manado, Friday (04/03/2022). Virtually present, Director General of Land Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Budi Setiadi, Director of River Lake and Ferry Transportation Ir Budi Junaidi, and Director of Commercial and Service PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) Moh Yusuf Hadi.

Meanwhile, those who were directly present were representatives of PT TMS, Head of North Sulawesi Region XXII Land Transportation Management Center Reinhard Ronald, representatives of North Sulawesi Regional Police Dirops North Sulawesi Police AKBP Uki, Head of Sea Transportation and River Lake and Crossing Transportation Department of North Sulawesi Transportation Stenly Pantinbano, General Manager of PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) Bitung Branch, Sugeng Purwono, as well as representatives of the Sangihe Transportation Department.

Also present were the village head of Pananaru Tamako and a team from Save Sangihe Island, at the meeting which was supposed to discuss the matter of transporting heavy equipment, which is the authority of the transportation agency.

As for the Land Transportation Management Center (BPTD) Area XXII North Sulawesi as the inviter, it was the Director of River Lake and Crossing Transportation (TSDP) Ir Budi Junaidi who should have chaired the meeting.

During the meeting, PT Tambang Mas Sangihe (TMS) said that it had obtained a permit and a contract of work from the ministry. The apparatus and related parties will also provide security in every activity carried out by PT TMS.

It was said AKBP Uki, his party was ready to secure the transportation of the ship even to place personnel on the KM Porodisa ship during transportation. "Even now we are ready to escort the transportation of equipment on the ship if requested, as long as everything is in accordance with the provisions of the rules and does not violate the law," explained AKBP Uki.

On this occasion, PT TMS also stated that it had received permission to carry out escorts after writing to the Sangihe Police and the North Sulawesi Brimob.

Meanwhile, Stenly Pantinbano said that the matter of transportation should prioritize transportation services by not entering into areas that are not the authority of shipping.

"We should prioritize the matter of transportation services, by not getting into other things that are outside of our duties, as long as it is in accordance with the provisions of the applicable regulations," explained Pantinbano.

"We from PT ASDP Bitung strongly support investment in the region," said General Manager of PT ASDP Indonesia Ferry (Persero) Bitung Branch, Sugeng Purwono.

At the final conclusion, the meeting chaired by Director Budi did not give a definite decision.

"So it is advisable to postpone the transportation of equipment from PT TMS first, until there is legal certainty or there is a solution in the future," explained Budi.

It was ironic at the end of the meeting that a number of parties did not want to sign the minutes of the meeting until the Land Transportation Management Center for Region XXII North Sulawesi decided to make the minutes of the meeting.

PT Tambang Mas Sangihe is clearly disappointed with the floating decision of this meeting.

“This is disappointing. We are having difficulties with various ways to bring drilling rigs to Sangihe,” regrets PT TMS CEO Terry Filbert.

He was disappointed because PT TMS had worked very well with the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and various departments in Indonesia to obtain mining permits.

"So, it is very sad if there are elements who take action to disrupt the Indonesian economy. This makes it difficult for Indonesia to get foreign investment,” explained Filbert.

According to him, the majority of Canadian investors will not look at investing in Indonesia because of the actions of several parties.

“Although I am happy to know that President Jokowi is working hard to change this. We should all support the president to grow the welfare of Indonesia as a whole," he concluded.(*/ifa)



.Demokrat Sulut,2,.Kantor Wilayan Kemenkumham Sulut,1,#SaveKevin,1,Adrian Kaeng,1,ADVERTORIAL,1,advetorial,386,AJI Manado,1,albert hama,2,Aldrin Christian,2,AMIK Manado,1,AMIK Manado Makassar,1,amir liputo,10,Ardiles Mewoh,28,Arung Jeram,1,Awaluddin Umbola,1,balai wilayah sungai 1 sulut,2,Bank SulutGo,1,Banteng Muda Indonesia,2,Bantuan Benih Ikan,1,Bapas,5,Bapas Manado,58,Bawaslu,2,Bawaslu Bolmong,1,Bawaslu RI,5,Bawaslu Sulut,61,Baznas Boltim,1,BEM AMIK Manado,1,Benny Mokoginta SP,1,berita,6,berita utama,3461,Berty Kapoyos,4,Bertye Sompie,1,Billy Kaeng,1,Billy Lombok,11,BINDA Sulut,1,Bitun,1,bitung,1015,BKMT,1,BKPSDM,1,bolmong,162,Bolmonga,1,Bolmut,106,Bolsel,5,Boltim,15,boy tumiwa,1,BP2JK,1,BPJN,1,BPJN Sulut,3,BPJS Kesehatan,1,BPK RI,4,braien waworuntu,4,braien waworuntu Yulius Selvanus Komaling,1,Brigjen TNI Wakyono,1,Brigjen Toar Pioh,1,Budidaya Ikan Air Tawar,1,Bupati Sam Sachrul Mamonto,5,Camat Feine Sumual,1,Cap Tikus,1,Careig Naichel Runtu,1,CEP,3,Cindy Wurangian,3,Daftar Pemilih Tetap,1,Damkar Kota Manado,1,Danau Mooat,1,Dapur sehat lembaga pemasyarakatan lapas tondano di resmikan kakanwil kemenkumham sulut .minahasa,1,dea Lumenta,1,Debat Calon Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur,11,Demo Mahasiswa,2,Demokrat Sulut,14,Desa Buyat,1,Desa Dodap,1,Devi Kumaat,1,Dewan Pers,1,Dinas Pendidikan Sulut,1,Dinas Pertanian Boltim,1,Dinas PPKB Bolmong,2,Dispar Boltim,1,Disperik,1,Distribusi Logistik,1,DKPP,2,DKPP RI,1,Donny Rumagit,3,DPD Gerindra Sulut,2,DPM-PTSP,1,DPMD,1,DPMD Boltim,1,DPR RI,5,DPRD Halbar,2,DPRD Kota Manado,3,DPRD Sulut,199,DPW PKB Sulut,2,dr FA Silangen,11,Dr Ferry Liando SIp,3,dr Richard Sualang,1,Dr Wempi Potale,1,Drs. 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Sos,1,Silvana Roya,1,Simulasi Pemilihan,1,Sitaro,1,SK-DT,2,SK-Tuejeh,1,SMK 3,1,Sonny Tadjure,1,Sosialisasi Izin Usaha,1,Steffen Linu,2,stella Runtuwene,4,Steven Kandouw,1,Sulawesi Utara,1,sulut,6200,Sulut DPR RI,1,Sulut drpd Sulut,1,Sulut United,15,sulutt,1,Survei Penilaian Integritas,1,surya paloh,2,Swiss-Belhotel Maleosan,1,THL,1,Tio Aliansyah,1,TNI AD,1,tomohon,518,toni supit,3,totabuan,437,UNAR SULUT,1,Universitas Sam Ratulangi,1,v,2,Victor Mailangkay,2,video,1,Viktor Mailangkay,1,Vioneta Kuerah,1,Vocke Lontaan,1,WBK,3,William Billy Kaeng,4,yongkie limen,9,ysk,1,YSK-,1,YSK-VICTORY,1,YSK-VM,6,Yulianus Komaling,3,Yulius Komaling,3,Yulius Selvanus,3,Yulius Selvanus Komaling,2,Yulius Selvanus Komaling-Viktor Mailangkay,1,Yusra Alhabsy,2,Zulkifli Densi,1,Zulkifly Densy,2,
KabarOk.com - Kabar dikabarkan: Police Ready to Control PT TMS Equipment
Police Ready to Control PT TMS Equipment
Police Ready to Control PT TMS Equipment
KabarOk.com - Kabar dikabarkan
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